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What if virtual network and worker_threads message passing mechanism combine together? You can work with worker_threads in almost the same way virtual network work. @cellularjs/worker does not attempt to use thread for just a single task. Once net-worker is initialized, you can invoke any service that this net-worker exposed.


Multithreading is NOT always better. When it come to performance, you should have some measurements. If your app don't have CPU-intense tasks, async is good enough.

1. Installation#

yarn add @cellularjs/worker


  • Integrated with @cellularjs/net(you can work with @cellularjs/di too).
  • Request-response communication from main thread to child thread.
  • Thread pool with fixed number of worker.
  • Multiple thread pools.
  • You need more, please tell me?

To prevent communication deadlock, transferring message from child thread to other is not allowed.

Do you want to give it a try?
$ git clone$ cd http-sample$ yarn$ yarn dev:worker

Open this link for testing: http://localhost:3002/api/worker/test

2. Usage#

2.1. Create pool of net-worker#

Example 1: create a main network and a pool of 12 net-workers.

// src/$gateway/http/index.tsimport { isMainThread } from 'worker_threads';import { createNetWork, createPool, initNetWorker } from '@cellularjs/worker';import { appNetwork } from '$share/network/';
!isMainThread && initNetWorker(appNetwork);
isMainThread && (async () => {  // For simplicity, in this example, we use current file as worker script.  // You can make use of CellularJS CLI to create separate worker source.  await createPool({ script: __filename, minThread: 12 });  await createNetWork(appNetwork);
  // ...})();

Example 2: create pool with custom name.

// src/$gateway/http/index.tsimport { isMainThread } from 'worker_threads';import { createNetWork, createPool, initNetWorker } from '@cellularjs/worker';import { appNetwork } from '$share/network/';
!isMainThread && initNetWorker(appNetwork);
isMainThread && (async () => {  await createPool({    name: 'halo',    script: __filename,    minThread: 12,  });
  await createNetWork(appNetwork);
  // ...})();

2.2. Transfer IRQ to net-worker#

Example 1: transfer IRQ message to net-worker of default pool.

import { IRQ } from '@cellularjs/net';import { transfer } from '@cellularjs/worker';
(async () => {  const cpuIntensiveTask = new IRQ(    { to: 'Abc:Xyz' },    { data: '...' },  );
  const irs = await transfer(cpuIntensiveTask);})();

Example 2: transfer IRQ message to net-worker of specific pool.

import { IRQ } from '@cellularjs/net';import { transfer } from '@cellularjs/worker';
(async () => {  const cpuIntensiveTask = new IRQ(    { to: 'Abc:Xyz' },    { data: '...' },  );
  const irs = await transfer(cpuIntensiveTask, {    pool: 'halo',  });})();